Den kleinen Finger reichen… / Reaching out the little finger…
(from the Red Flag series)
140 x 250cm
Cotton fabric with applications and machine embroidery
Reaching out the little finger… refers to the first encounter between Dora Maar and Picasso. His later partner Francoise Gilot describes the encounter in her book “My Life with Picasso” as follows: “She (Maar) was wearing black gloves with small pink flowers sewn on them. She took off her gloves and took a long, pointed knife, which she jammed into the table between her outstretched fingers. From time to time she missed it by a fraction of a centimetre and before she had finished playing with the knife, her hand was covered in blood. “
Picasso is said to have kept the glove in a glass case all his life. […]
Text: Marco Hompes